> Is a 2.9 GPA ok for an 11th grader?

Is a 2.9 GPA ok for an 11th grader?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Ok so I just got my report card, and my current GPA is a 2.9. My high school is a low scoring school and the kids don't have the highest GPAs so when I asked one of my teachers she said that it's pretty good for a kid that goes to our school. All of my classes I have As and Bs in except for one, which is a D. How am I standing right now? I try my hardest in school, the D I have in English class is only because my teacher is very harsh and I wasn't in school for a week (because of sickness) and she didn't allow me to make up what I missed. Anyways, the new cuarter just started (final marking period) can I bring my GPA higher to at least a 3.0 by bringing my D up? I don't know how GPAs work my school doesn't really explain them at all